“A leader must start leading by managing himself first,
because it’s going to impact everyone else”.
Daniel Goleman, Author
Regardless of the level in the organization, leaders – those that create change – have a mix of skills, capabilities, and beliefs that make them effective. We take an integrated approach to supporting leaders in building self- awareness along with new behaviors to increase their impact.
Leadership and Executive Coaching
We work with leaders to identify their strengths as well as the areas that may be limiting their effectiveness. Our programs include a 360- degree assessment and other relevant personal assessments to inform the focus of the program. We support leaders by co-creating development plans, holding regular coaching sessions, and evaluating progress throughout the program.
Our clients come to us when leaders:​
Are preparing to advance to a different role
Have recently been promoted and want to accelerate their performance
Are new to a team and want to fast track the process of getting to know the team
Are strong contributors but are unable to effectively lead
New Leader Assimilation
This half-day process is designed to help new leaders, either new to the company or new to the group they manage, more quickly get to know their team members and the challenges and opportunities they face. This process can compress months that teams and leaders normally spend getting to each other into a few hours. It irons out speculation, addresses the issues that arise with a new leader, and creates a climate of openness.
Julie has a very deep toolkit to draw from
Liz Castro, VP Human Resources
"I have sought out Julie's counsel both informally, and also as my coach. She has keen insight into situations and asks questions that help me see things from a different perspective--she is excellent at helping others arrive at clarity. Julie has a very deep toolkit to draw from and is always ready with solutions--from something that can be applied immediately to make a situation better, to longer term ways to have greater impact. Her depth in leadership, team dynamics, culture and business make her an invaluable coach and her sense of humor brings great perspective."